Corona Virus infection is increasing day by day. In the meantime, efforts are being made to continue normal activities. Many are working in the office following the rules of hygiene, trying to do outside work. That's why I have to go in contact with many. However, some people do not have corona symptoms, so it is difficult to know whether they are infected with corona virus.
Almost everyone now knows how to wear a mask when you go out or keep a distance of 8 feet from someone else. You may be complying with that. But what if you met someone two days ago or talked to him on the street and suddenly found out that the person had corona? It is normal to be scared. But this cannot be feared or panicked. Instead, it is important to take action on how to prevent the virus.
Here The way to follow
Staying in quarantine:
First go to quarantine for 14 days. It usually takes 10 to 14 days for corona symptoms to appear. For this reason, stay away from others at home at this time. Do not go out of the house or come in contact with family members at this time. If you are alone, ask friends or family members to deliver your essentials to the door. Prohibit everyone from entering the house from outside.
Note the Symptoms :
Look for any symptoms of corona in your body such as fever, shortness of breath, cough, loss of taste or smell, nausea, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea, muscle aches. Consult a doctor if you feel sick.
Corona Test:
Have the sample tested at least 5 to 7 days after coming in contact with the corona. Stay in quarantine until the fruit comes. If the result is positive then you must consult a doctor and stay in isolation. However, if your result is negative and there are no signs of corona, you can come out at the end of quarantine after 14 days.
Tell others:
If you do not have any symptoms of corona or have not been tested, it is important to let others know that you have been in contact with an infected person. Because if you are infected, others can be infected through you. If you do not show any signs of infection, others do not need to be tested.
Article source: #Google