
Trump slammed for using offensive, 'racist' remarks at Tulsa rally

Trumph Slammed for using offensive 'racist' remarks at Tulsa rally.

In 2020, a woman wears a protective facemask as she enters the BOK Center for a campaign rally for President Donald Trump in Tulsa, Oklahoma City. Trump is talking about holding his first political rally since the start of the coronavirus epidemic at the BOK Center on Saturday when the rate of infection in the state of Oklahoma is rising.

WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump drew fire from critics for spreading racially divisive remarks in his remarks at a high-profile campaign rally in Tulsa on Saturday when the nation was embroiled in racism and police misconduct.

Speaking just days after protests and unrest erupted in cities across the country following the death of George Floyd, Trump described violent protesters as claiming he had been forced to cancel a separate outdoor campaign in Tulsa as "thugs". He used the term "King flu" to describe the coronavirus. And he sharply criticized the removal of the Confederate statue, arguing that the "leftist mob" "wanted to sabotage our history."

At one point during his speech, when he tried to brush up calls from some people on the left to destroy police departments, Trump drew a picture on a "tough hombre" that he described as "breaking the window of a young woman whose husband is away."

"And you called 911 and they said, 'Sorry, this number isn't working anymore,'" Trump said.

The president's remarks came as protesters gathered in several cities to protest Floyd's death, a black man with a white Minneapolis police officer tied around his neck for about nine minutes. Violence erupted in many cities after Floyd's death, but protests across the country were largely peaceful.

"Trump has completed the racism tripartite in just three minutes," a Democratic National Committee post was posted on the social media account during the rally.

"121,000 Americans died," said Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill. Tweeted after the rally.

"Donald Trump's response to racist jokes."

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